Discrete fractional-order Caputo method to overcome trapping in local optima: Manta Ray Foraging Optimizer as a case study
Enhancing the exploration and exploitation phases of the metaheuristic (MH) optimization algorithms is the key to avoiding local optima. The Manta ray foraging optimizer is a recently proposed MH optimizer. The MRFO showed a good performance in the simple optimization problems. However, it is trapped into the local optimum in the more elaborated ones due to the original algorithm's low capability in exploiting the optimal solutions and its convergence. From this principle, in this work, a novel variant of the Manta ray foraging optimizer has been proposed for global optimization problems
Fractional-Order and Power-Law Shelving Filters: Analysis and Design Examples
Low-pass and high-pass non-integer order shelving filter designs, which are suitable for acoustic applications, are presented in this work. A first design is based on a standard fractional-order bilinear transfer function, while a second one is based on the transposition of the integer-order transfer function into its power-law counterpart. Both transfer functions are approximated using the Oustaloup approximation tool, while the implementation in the case of the power-law filters is performed through the employment of the concept of driving-point impedance synthesis. An attractive benefit is

On numerical approximations of fractional-order spiking neuron models
Fractional-order spiking neuron models can enrich model flexibility and dynamics due to the extra degrees of freedom. This paper aims to study the effects of applying four different numerical methods to two fractional-order spiking neuron models: the Fractional-order Leaky integrate-and-fire (FO-LIF) model and the Fractional-order Hodgkin–Huxley (FO-HH) model. Furthermore, some adjustments to these models are proposed, and the effect of reducing the memory size is investigated. We first propose a new realistic formulation for Fo-LIF model to better describe its functionality that is aligned
Modeling of Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Different Orientation Angles Using Echo State Networks for Irregular Time Series Data
Modeling of soft robotics systems proves to be an extremely difficult task, due to the large deformation of the soft materials used to make such robots. Reliable and accurate models are necessary for the control task of these soft robots. In this paper, a data-driven approach using machine learning is presented to model the kinematics of Soft Pneumatic Actuators (SPAs). An Echo State Network (ESN) architecture is used to predict the SPA’s tip position in 3 axes. Initially, data from actual 3D printed SPAs is obtained to build a training dataset for the network. Irregularintervals pressure
Current-Mode Multiplier Accumulator Design using a Memristor-Transistor Crossbar Architecture
This paper discusses the implementation of a Multiplier Accumulator (MAC) design using memristor and crossbar architecture. MAC consists of an array of memristors alongside transistors making a cell that works as a switch (i.e., turned ON or OFF). When a cell is selected, it adds the current in the array path, followed by a current mirror circuit amplified to determine the accumulated current. A traditional MAC is also implemented to compare it with the proposed MAC. The proposed MAC consumed power of 3.9μW, while the traditional MAC consumed power of 19μW. The delay of the proposed MAC is 1
Modeling and characterization of carrier mobility for truncated conical quantum dot infrared photodetectors
In the present paper, a theoretical model for calculating the carrier mobility which is a result of the existence of a truncated conical quantum dots of n-type quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) is developed. This model is built on solving Boltzmann’s transport equation that is a complex integro-differential equation describing the carrier transport. The time-domain finite-difference method is used in this numerical solution. The influences of dimensions and density of the QDs for this structure on the carrier mobility are studied. Eventually, the calculated mobility for truncated

Parallel and independent true random bitstreams from optical emission spectra of atmospheric microplasma arc discharge
In this study, we propose the possibility of generating several parallel and independent random bitstreams from the time-varying optical emission spectra of an atmospheric pressure air microplasma system. This is achieved by splitting the plasma arc emission into discrete wavelengths using an optical spectrometer and then monitoring the fluctuating intensities of each wavelength as an independent time series. As a proof of concept, we considered eight wavelengths centered at 377.8, 389.1, 425.8, 591.4, 630.5, 673.0, 714.2, and 776.4 nm corresponding to atomic emissions lines from species

Switched active control synchronization of three fractional order chaotic systems
This paper discusses the continuous effect of fractional order parameter on two chaotic systems. Switched synchronization of three different fractional order chaotic systems is presented as an extension for synchronizing two different systems using active control. The proposed technique, which is based on the switching parameters and the scaling factors that control the choices of master and slave systems, is explained. The NonStandard Finite Difference method is used for the numerical solution of the fractional order master and slave systems. Four cases and many numeric simulations are

Comparison and database development of four recent ASM3 model extensions
In the last decade, many Activated Sludge Model No. 3 (ASM3) extensions were proposed to adopt new concepts such as simultaneous storage and growth of heterotrophic organisms and two-step nitrification-denitrification processes. From these ASM3 model extensions, four are included in this study: ASM3 with two-step nitrification-denitrification, ASM3 for simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic storage-growth, ASM3 extension for two-step nitrification-denitrification, and ASM3 for simultaneous storage-growth and nitrification-denitrification. The four models are analyzed and compared to the

Mathematical modeling of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor in domestic wastewater treatment
This paper introduces a dynamic model to adequately describe an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor. Some available models of a UASB reactor are discussed in order to modify their drawbacks and propose a new improved model with less complexity and more reliability. The developed model is a combination of two recent models introduced in Sweden. According to this model, a UASB rector is divided hydraulically into three compartments with integration of a kinetic model. Simulations are performed to investigate the validity of the developed model which indicates a good agreement with
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